The author is personifying his character, an unlikely hero... earned from his antics during the big war. Britain's Royal Air Force is trying to recruit (coerse) him for behind the lines missions as a civilian flyer, key to Britain's post World War II standing in its struggling territories.
What would it have been like to live at the turn of the century? What would it have been like to “make a living” in the Edwardian era? Long days in the sun, vending roasted chestnuts in the streets of Baltimore, Maryland, Wilbur makes an honest living. The warm, earthy scent fills the air on the streets and reminds passersby of the holiday season. Dressed in his three-piece suit, he shares tradition as a tasty snack.
The night turns into the dawn of a new day. Basking in the gentile first light of day, deep reflection inspires the illumination of the mind… the illumination of Grace.
Grace, the “character” in this piece, is inspired by an image from the 1950’s, her tranquil and contemplative mood, just perfect for the ambiance of the forest at first light.